

How Much Caffeine is in a Cup of Coffee?

A cup of coffee is more than anything for some on a daily basis. Yet, coffee is more than an everyday affair. Each person has his or her own definition towards the love for Coffee.

Overdose of this world’s favourite drink also is not good for health. Caffeine when taken in right levels give us the right energy and nutrients. Let’s understand the caffeine content in each type of coffee to help us strike a balance.

What is the recommended Levels of Caffeine Consumption?

Mayo clinic confirms that a healthy adult can consume up to 400 mg of caffeine in a day. This is just a generic finding as it is not applicable uniformly for all. People age, their medication, lifestyle, pregnancy is to be considered. This 400 mg is equivalent to four cups of coffee.

How Much Caffeine Is in a Cup of Coffee?

The average cup of coffee contains anywhere from 90-200 mg of caffeine. However, Caffeine amount vary greatly from one caffeinated coffee drink to another based on the type of coffee bean, brewing technique, Type of grind you use (coarse or fine).

Type of Coffee Bean

Arabica coffee beans have much less caffeine than Robusta coffee beans. Robusta beans have nearly twice the caffeine than Arabica.

Brewing Method

The extraction method you use to brew your coffee affects the amount of caffeine in your cup. Immersion methods, where ground coffee and cold or hot water are combined, tend to extract more caffeine. But the coarser grinds favoured for immersion methods also have less surface area than more finely ground coffee.

Type of Coffee Roast

Darker Coffee roasts have a heavier body and deeper flavors of chocolate, nuts, and caramel. But while darker roasts taste strong, they are not necessarily strong in caffeine. In fact, light roast coffees actually contain slightly more caffeine.

Serving Size

Indians like it large. Our serving sizes are of large size, and where fast food outlets are also serving coffee, coffee portions can regularly exceed than what is actually required. What you think of as a normal cup of coffee can actually be a cup and a half, or even two.

The Bottom Line

With all of the factors we’ve listed above, determining with precision the amount of caffeine in a serving of coffee is not always a straightforward matter. Focus on how coffee makes you feel. Moderation is the key to enjoying coffee to the fullest and making sure it’s a positive part of your day.

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