
How to make an effective workout for weight loss

How to make an effective workout for weight loss

How to make an effective workout for weight loss – Layfhaker

To quickly lose weight, you need to combine a diet with exercise. This article will help you create intensive weight loss workouts yourself.

First, let’s see what workouts in the gym are most effective. Maybe cardio? Or is it a power load?

If you choose a long-term low-intensity cardio (slow, long running, walking, riding an exercise bike), your body will get used to the loads after just a few exercises. As a result, you burn calories only while running.

In the case of strength training, things are a little different. After it (with sufficient intensity) the metabolism at rest remains elevated for a long time – sometimes more than 20 hours. And all this time your body burns calories faster.

Thus, even if during strength and cardio training (I emphasize once again that we are talking about low-intensity cardio, rather than heavy interval training or sprints), the same amount of calories is spent, after the strength exercise, it is still burned more. Read more about the effects of cardio, HIIT and strength Bench press standing with chest Army bar press training in this article.

To speed up the metabolism and pump all the muscles of the body, we combine a circular workout with interval cardio.

The rules of the training

To create an effective circular workout for the whole body, follow a few rules:

Include exercises for different muscle groups. This will allow you to evenly load the whole body.

Alternate exercises on the principle of “push” and “pull.” Pushing exercises are those in the course of which you are pushing off the ground (lunges, squats, pushups) or pushing off free weights from yourself (dumbbell bench press, barbell bench press). Performing pulling exercises, you pull yourself (pulling) or projectiles (deadlift). Pulling and pushing exercises provide different loads. Alternating them, you will not overwork your muscles and you can do more.

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Finish your high-intensity cardio workout.

Start with a warm-up, finish stretching and rolling on a massage roller.

And now let’s go directly to the training.

The first version of the workout for weight loss

In our training will be five exercises with the burden: two on the lower part of the body, two on the upper, one on the press.

Each exercise is performed 10 times without a break. This is one round. All you Sean Strickland Is Convinced That Israel Adesanya Is On Steroids: ‘Make Sure To Cycle Off’ | MiddleEasy steroid australia winstrol 8 weken, cheap provironum order legal anabolic steroid free shipping need to do five laps, rest between the circles – until full recovery (but not more than three minutes).

It is better for beginners to perform the easy option, it will be indicated for each exercise in the item “How to simplify”.

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1. Lunge with weight

You perform 10 lunges from each leg – only 20 times.

Target muscle group: gluteus, quadriceps, hip biceps.

How to simplify: attacks without burdening. If it is difficult for you to carry out attacks with a burdening, most likely, you will not finish the complex to the end or you will reduce the number of attacks. Therefore, if you are just starting to train, enough lunges with the weight of your own body.

What to replace:

Side attacks.

Lunges back with a burden.

Walking attacks in the hall.

Features of technology:

The angle between the knee and the thigh in a lunge should be 90 degrees.

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In the lunge the knee does not go beyond the sock.

The knee is directed forward, looks at the toe, does not wrap inside.

2. Pushups

Target group of muscles: triceps, chest muscles, abdominals.

How to simplify: push-ups from the hill, push-ups on rubber fitness tapes, push-ups from the knees.

What to replace: another option pushups.

Features of technology:

Your elbows should be close to your body (if you have not chosen push-ups with wide arms).

Constantly hold the press in tension – this will help avoid deflection in the back.

3. Dead Thrust

Target muscle group: hip biceps, gluteus muscles.

How to simplify buy steroids with credit cards: dead dead with an empty neck, with dumbbells.

What to replace: deadlift with a barbell or dumbbells.

Features of technology:

Hold the barbell closer to your body, practically slide the bar along the legs.

Do not hump your back, otherwise the load will go to the lumbar spine.

During dead thrust, the knees are practically not bent, which makes it possible to stretch the biceps of the thigh well.

4. Thrust dumbbell in the support

Target muscle group: the broadest back muscles.

How to simplify: take light dumbbells.

What to replace: the thrust of the lower unit.

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Features of technology:

Keep your elbow closer to your body and try to guide it further behind your back.

Keep your back straight, do not round it.

Try to pull the dumbbells with your back muscles, not your arms.

5. Ball strap

Target muscle group: core muscles.

How to simplify: a classic slat on the floor, a slat on the elbows.

What to replace: different variants of the strap.

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Features of the technique: keep the press in constant tension to eliminate buckling in the lower back.

The second option to workout for weight loss

This training is more difficult than the previous one, but it can also be simplified by taking less weight or doing the exercises a little differently. The rules are the same – 10 repetitions, 5 circles, rest between circles – until full recovery.

1. Barbell Squats

Target muscle group: quadriceps, gluteus muscles, muscles of the back of the thigh.

How to simplify: squat without burdening, with a lighter weight.

What to replace: leg press.

Features of technology:

Keep your back straight, do not slouch.

Take your pelvis back while squatting.

Spread your knees – they should not wrap inside.

2. dumbbell bench press

Target group of muscles: large pectoral, triceps, deltoid.

How to simplify: take a small weight.

What to replace: bench press from the Cialis with dapoxetine 60mg tadalafil, dapoxetine buy online – sports bodybuilding danabol uk weight loss diet bodybuilding example – airline pilots international. chest.

Features of technology:

Do not bend the lower back and do not tear the pelvis from the bench.

Dumbbells should move in sync.

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Try to lift the dumbbells due to the tension of the pectoral muscles.

3. Stanovaya on one leg with dumbbells

Target group of muscles: gluteus muscles, extensors of the back, quadriceps and hip biceps, latissimus dorsi.

How to simplify: deadlift on two legs with a lighter weight.

What to replace: deadlift on two legs with dumbbells or a barbell.

Features of technology:

Keep your back straight, do not slouch and do not round it in the lumbar region.

The knee of the bending leg is looking forward, not wrapped inside.

Lower the dumbbells to the middle of the leg.

The foot behind does not fall to the ground until the end of the approach – it is constantly in the hanging position.

4. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar

Target group of muscles: the latissimus dorsi, chest muscles, shoulder biceps.

How to simplify: pull-ups on the bar using rubber fitness tape. The tape spreads over the horizontal bar, you step on it with your feet and hang, stretching the tape. As the force develops, you can change the belt tension.

What to replace: thrust of the upper block to the chest.

Features of technology:

If you are a newbie, do not help yourself, swaying. First you need to install the correct technique of pull-ups and only then use inertia to pull up a few times more.

Try to keep your head in one Steroidi anabolici e generici Viagra, un potente stimolante naturale del testosterone che ha dimostrato di aumentare significativamente i livelli di TESTOSTERONE, promuovendo la forza, i livelli di energia e il desiderio sessuale sano. Steroidi anabolici e generici Viagra stimola la produzione dellorganismo dellormone luteinizzante, che promuove pharma test e pharmacom labs la produzione di testosterone: lormone maschile chiave responsabile dellaggiunta di massa corporea magra, aumento del metabolismo, forza, dimensione muscolare, densità e perdita di grasso. Questo ingrediente è anche utile per ridurre i sintomi dellangina e migliorare le prestazioni atletiche, il tutto sostenendo la salute sessuale e una sensazione generale di benessere generale. position, do not stretch your chin up.

Keep your legs straight.

5. Pulling up the legs to the horizontal bar

Target muscle group: core muscles.

How to simplify:

Raise the knees to the chest, without straightening the legs at the top point.

Limit the amplitude of the lift, for example, raise straight legs to a 90 degree angle.

What to replace: different variants of the strap.

Features of the technique: if you vilafinil have poor physical fitness or excess weight, it is worth replacing this exercise with a static bar. It perfectly pumps the rectus abdominis and other bark muscles and does not overload the iliopsoas muscle.

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Full training with two options can be viewed in this video.

Interval cardio at the end of training

Training ends with interval cardio for 15–20 minutes. You can use this scheme: 4 minutes of running at a speed of 8 km / h, a minute at a speed of 12 km / h.

If the treadmill has a mode of interval running, choose a workout for time, set 20 minutes and level 8-10, depending on your training.

As a rule, on simulators there are a lot of different interval training with alternating slow and fast running, as well as a different tilt angle of the track.

Workout and diet

Alternating strength exercises, you will be able to independently create an effective complex for weight loss.

Of course, do not forget about nutrition. Even without a diet, exercise will strengthen muscles and improve physical fitness, but weight loss will be much faster if you learn to count calories.

Here are some helpful articles on how to change your diet in order to achieve quick results.

This article will help you lose weight by reducing the calorie intake, and here you will learn how many calories you need for different types of workouts. Here is another good guide to calories – calculate your rate by different formulas, taking into account physical activity.

For those who do not want to give up delicious food for the sake Workout for weight loss SportWiki Encyclopedia of a beautiful figure, here is a bonus in the form of 10 alternative products with which your diet will be low-calorie, but no less tasty.

Enjoy your workouts and fast progress!


  • Payday candy bar, low carb/weight loss/weight watcher chocolate.
  • Kickstart Your Weight Loss with These Delicious and Nutritious Dinners
  • The Best 4-Week Indian Diet Plan For Weight Loss
  • Morning Yoga For Weight Loss – 20 Minute Workout Fat Burning Yoga Meltdown Beginner & Intermediate
  • Weight Loss: Why The Scale Can Be Your Worst Enemy
  • Ginger For Weight Loss – How To Use, Benefits, And Risks

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