
robusta coffee powder

A Journey through the Robusta Coffee Bean Roasting Process and its Flavour Transformations


Welcome to the world of robusta coffee, where the journey from green bean to roasted perfection is a delicate art that results in a delightful cup of joe. In this blog, we’ll explore the roasting process of robusta coffee beans and the various taste variations it undergoes during this transformative journey.

1. Understanding Robusta Coffee Beans

Before we delve into roasting, let’s acquaint ourselves with robusta coffee beans. One of the two basic species of coffee plant, along with arabica, is called robusta (Coffea canephora). Robusta beans are known for their higher caffeine content, resilience in various climates, and distinct flavour profile.

2. Green Bean Selection and Sorting

The first step in roasting robusta coffee beans is carefully selecting and sorting green beans. Skilled coffee professionals analyse the beans for quality, size, and colour, ensuring that only the finest ones make it to the roasting phase.

robusta coffee

3. Pre-Roasting Preparation

3.1 Cleaning and Washing

The green beans are meticulously cleaned and washed to remove any impurities or dirt, ensuring a clean slate for the roasting process.

robusta coffee beans

3.2 Drying

After washing, the beans are dried to reach an optimal moisture level, usually around 10-12%. Proper drying ensures uniform roasting and prevents undesirable flavours from developing.

robusta coffee powder

4. Roasting Profiles

4.1 Light Roast

Light roasting is a gentle approach that preserves the original characteristics of the robusta beans. The result is a light brown bean with a slightly acidic taste, floral and fruity notes, and a substantial caffeine kick.

4.2 Medium Roast

A medium roast balances preserving the bean’s unique attributes and introducing roast flavours. At this stage, the bean’s acidity diminishes, giving way to a more balanced flavour profile with hints of chocolate and nuttiness.

4.3 Dark Roast

A dark roast brings the robusta beans to their maximum flavour potential. The beans become shiny with oil, and their initial flavours transform into a rich, bold taste with notes of caramel, cocoa, and minimal acidity.

best robusta coffee

5. The Roasting Process

5.1 Temperature and Time Control

Roasting robusta beans requires precise temperature control to achieve the desired roast profile. The beans are introduced to a roasting drum, where they experience a temperature gradient. The initial high temperature gradually decreases to facilitate the roasting process.

robusta coffee process

5.2 First Crack

The beans go through several chemical shifts throughout roasting.

. The first crack is critical when the beans expand, releasing moisture and carbon dioxide. This audible crack signals the beginning of the light roast stage.

5.3 Development Time

The time after the first crack is referred to as the development time. During this phase, the flavours continue to develop and intensify, leading to the desired taste profile.

5.4 Cooling

After reaching the desired roast level, the beans are rapidly cooled to halt the roasting process and preserve the flavours achieved during roasting.

6. Factors Influencing Flavour

6.1 Origin

The geographical location where the robusta beans are grown significantly impacts their flavour. Beans from different regions offer distinct taste profiles influenced by climate, soil composition, and altitude.

6.2 Processing Methods

The method used to process the coffee cherries and extract the beans affects the final flavour. Wet processing can produce cleaner, fruitier notes, while dry processing may yield earthier flavours.

6.3 Storage and Ageing

Proper storage of roasted beans is crucial to maintain their freshness and flavour. Exposure to oxygen, light, and moisture can lead to stale coffee. Freshly roasted beans are generally preferred for a more vibrant taste.


The roasting process of robusta coffee beans is a carefully orchestrated journey that culminates in diverse flavour profiles. From light, acidic brews to bold, caramel-infused delights, each roast level provides a unique coffee experience. Next time you savour a cup of robusta coffee, take a moment to appreciate the artistry behind the beans’ transformation from green to roasted perfection. Cheers to the delightful world of robusta coffee!

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